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Shopping in Venice


Quick Overview

Venice is the most magical, mysterious city I’ve ever visited. It has to be in as close to in its original condition as any city in the world. It consists of a series of over 100 islands built upon centuries ago. It allows you to wander where you want without hearing the sound of any motorized vehicle. That’s right-no motorized vehicles. Think about it. 

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Venice is the most magical, mysterious city I’ve ever visited. It has to be in as close to in its original condition as any city in the world. It consists of a series of over 100 islands built upon centuries ago. It allows you to wander where you want without hearing the sound of any motorized vehicle. That’s right-no motorized vehicles. Think about it.


Everyone has got to go to Venice! It offers the curious visitor an endless walk to see the fusion of art and craft in the making of shoes, lace, glass in all its forms, gold and silver jewelry, cars, leather goods, paper, clothes, and food. We set up our home base in the Hotel Violino d’Oro. It was just a few steps away from San Marco Square. It offered comfort close to most of the things we wanted to see and do.


I did not realize that Carnival started in Venice. Each year it ends with the bells of San Marco announcing it is time for sprinkling of the ashes on Ash Wednesday. There were many stores filled with exotic masks, costumes and decorations.


Being on the main trade route east, Venice was first to get new ideas and technologies from the East. You see this influence in the architecture of their buildings. They adopted the Arabic number system earlier than any European country and later became their bankers. They controlled the West’s trade in spices and other luxuries. The Venetians were able to concentrate on commerce because of a combination of strong democratic roots, a constitution that limited the Doge’s power and a natural lagoon that protected Venice from attackers.


Venice began with refugees seeking sanctuary from Barbarian invasions in the 5th and 6th Centuries. The first settlement was on the Isle of Torcello where the first Doge was elected in 726. In 810 Charlemagne tried to invade. The Body of Saint Mark arrived from Alexandria, Egypt in 830 making Venice the home of the most prestigious Patron Saint outside of Rome.


The Secret of Venice’s success for surviving on a series of islands is how the buildings were originally built on the hundreds of small islands making up what we call Venice. Oak piles were hammered into the clay where they slowly petrified in the salt water. These piles were covered with horizontal planks of walnut or mahogany upon which bricks were laid up to water line. The foundation was sealed with 3 layers of Istrian stone. The facades were inspired by the cultures from the East.




May 31, 2023


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