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A Great San Antonio Walk!


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San Antonio, Texas is the happiest large urban city we have ever visited. People looked you in the eye, said hello, and helped you out. The unemployment rate is virtually zero. Everyone has a job. It is booming. It is a great place to go downtown, find a place to park, and just head out for a walk. 

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San Antonio, Texas is the happiest large urban city we have ever visited. People looked you in the eye, said hello, and helped you out. The unemployment rate is virtually zero. Everyone has a job. It is booming. It is a great place to go downtown, find a place to park, and just head out for a walk.


We found a parking spot about three blocks from the Alamo and headed off in a heard of 8 including 4 kids, ages 5 through 13. Our first stop was to explore The San Fernando Cathedral, the oldest Cathedral Sanctuary in the United States. It was founded in 1731. It is a sacred space with ongoing public prayers and visitation. As you enter the Cathedral you are confronted with the remains of the Texas heroes from the Alamo-Davy Crockett, Commander William Travis, and Jim Bowie.


A must stop is Marti’s. It is filled with one of a kind handcrafted treasures from artists in the area and from Mexico. Marti’s was a famous store in Mexico for over sixty years and was pushed north by the drug wars into San Antonio. They have been very successful. They have imported designer items, Mexican fashion, exquisite gold and silver jewelry, housewares, furniture, and art. My favorite is their very unusual Day of the Dead pieces. They are located at 310 W. Commerce Street next to the Spanish Governor’s Palace.


The San Antonio River Walk is an essential part of any downtown exploration. It is a public park open 365 days a year. It is lined with individual businesses composed of restaurants, hotels, attractions, and more. It is the number one tourist attraction in Texas. More than 50 places along the River Walk are handicapped accessible. We walked through the Hyatt, did a little shopping and ate dinner. It was fun and just the right amount of adventure for our group of eight.















January 4, 2023


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