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Dog Paddling Adventures: Outdoor Adventure for Dogs and their People


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Some of Susie’s Canadian friends brought an interesting place in Canada to our attention.  Dog Paddling Adventures is a group that offers adventures for dogs and their humans in Ontario province during every season of the year.

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Some of Susie’s Canadian friends brought an interesting place in Canada to our attention.  Dog Paddling Adventures is a group that offers adventures for dogs and their humans in Ontario province during every season of the year.


DPA provides adventures anywhere from one to four days at scenic locations in Ontario. They provide a range of adventures from beginner to more experienced canines and humans. You can have anything from a simple day canoeing on a lake to a four day trek with camping, hiking and canoeing.


The company is owned and operated by Eren and Kathryn Howell with the assistance of their dog Jessie. Eren is an ORCA (Ontario Recreational Canoe Association) certified White Water and Flatwater paddler and is also trained as a Wilderness First Aid Responder for both people and their pets. Kathryn is the business side of the operation, but wears many hats including first aid(certified), trip photographer, co-chef, and story teller. Jessie is a 13 year old Husky mix who is ready to show everyone around and teach new dogs the ropes.


Eren and Kathryn have assembled an impressive team of experts to provide both humans and their dogs with a great experience.  The guides are all ORCA certified and have their Wilderness First Aid Certificate as well as the ability to provide a relaxed group environment. You can find out more about the team of guides on the DPA website About Us page.


All Dog Paddling Adventures include camping accommodation, delicious meals, all equipment, park permits, lifejackets and backpacks for both people and dogs, and the services of a wilderness guide. 


The adventures are rated on the site as either one, two or three paws:


One paw = Introductory canoe trip with no experience necessary. No portaging on these trips.

Two paws = Beginners are welcome on this trip. These trips include short portages and a slightly longer paddle.

Three paws = Some canoeing experience preferred. More advanced paddling distances, white water and portaging.


They even provide a short description of a typical day to give the prospective adventurer an idea of what to expect.


In addition the prices are very reasonable.


Canines and their humans from the United States are most welcome. Basically all you need is the dog’s vaccination record from your vet which serves as your dog’s passport into Canada. Also be sure to have yours with you as well. You can check the story of Susie’s adventure into Canada for a description of her experience entering Canada in Quebec.


February 15, 2023


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