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Jackson Hole Camping


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We set up camp at Jackson Hole Campground on the Moose-Wilson Road and celebrated with some frosty local beer purchased at the check-in office.

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When we’re out West, following alongside the Oregon Trail, I can’t help but think of our RV as a modern Conestoga Wagon.


After crossing the lengthy southern stretch of Wyoming on Interstate 80, we finally turned our wagon north toward the Grand Tetons. Traveling on Route 191 from Rock Springs, we traversed a long high desert valley and stopped at Lander Cut-Off where remnants of the Oregon Trail are still visible.


On a warm and windy rise, the soft sand of the old trail sifted into my shoes. I tried to imagine the romance and adventure of traveling this trail by wagon. But when I stumbled over the bleached bones of a former antelope it was a jarring reminder to be grateful that we’re in the 21st century with air conditioning and paved roads!


As we pressed further north the terrain changed dramatically. Heaving foothills follow the verdant path of the Hoback River. After days of seeing only desert, this green and fertile area was a welcome relief. Mid-afternoon found us rolling into picturesque Jackson, Wyoming.


We set up camp at Jackson Hole Campground on the Moose-Wilson Road and celebrated with some frosty local beer purchased at the check-in office.


Jackson Hole Campground caters to large motor coaches, and we were the peewee of the group that week. Sites are grass and gravel with limited landscaping, and fairly close together. But the splendor is in the background, as the Tetons loom majestically in the near distance.


We chose Jackson Hole Campground because the property also offers ultra-modern cabins for rent under the name Fireside Resort. These cabins are equipped with a full kitchen and bath, separate bedroom, and pull-out couch in the living room. Friends and family joined us for a long weekend, renting two cabins at Fireside, and they were thrilled with the accommodations.


A quick walk from the RV campground to the cabins located at the entrance made for an easy get-together. We lolled on the shady porches and served a chili supper al fresco one evening, which everyone enjoyed including the dog who got pot-lickins'.


Say farewell to the Oregon Trail, and hello to Jackson Hole Campground. You’ll be happy for the modern amenities!







July 6, 2023


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