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No More Wrinkles! Great Travel Accessory

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Are you tired of wrinkles? No, not on your face, but on your clothes! I am someone who doesn't enjoy ironing at home, let alone while on vacation, so when I was asked to try a new product from Downy, I accepted. I have to admit, I was skeptical because it sounded too easy and too good to be true, but definitely worth finding out more.

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Are you tired of wrinkles? No, not on your face, but on your clothes! I am someone who doesn't enjoy ironing at home, let alone while on vacation, so when I was asked to try a new product from Downy, I accepted. I have to admit, I was skeptical because it sounded too easy and too good to be true, but definitely worth finding out more.


While on vacation, hotels generally provide an iron and ironing board, but honestly, how often do you use it or wish you had packed your bags more neatly? My hand is raised. So, among the samples I received were TSA approved travel size spray bottles of Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus. When I read everything it does, I was very impressed, because not only will it get the wrinkles out of my clothes, it eliminates static cling and also freshens the hotel sheets and pillows! OK, so now I really had to try it out.


As it turned out, I was getting ready to attend the Muhammad Ali Memorial Service and I selected a black dress to wear. As usual, I was running late and when I pulled the dress out of the closet, you guessed it, there were a lot of wrinkles. I stopped for a moment and then realized I had the Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus to still test for my review. This will be a great time for the test I thought and so, I got out the bottle, followed the instructions, and like magic, the wrinkles were gone. I was really amazed and shared the story with all my friends and now with you.


They have done a lot of testing and research and improved the sprayer to cover more area and reduce the drying time. It was so simple to use. I sprayed the areas that were wrinkled, smoothed them and tugged and in a matter of minutes, the dress was wrinkle free, plus it smelled good. I was really impressed.


I also found out it takes out the wrinkles from our curtains, freshens up the clothes in your gym bag and removes the marks that your hangars can sometime leave on your clothes.


I'm sold and you can bet I will be taking my travel size bottle with me when I go on vacation. Give it a try – it is extremely reasonable in price and is available at major retail outlets like Target, Walmart, Walgreens and others.





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