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Christmas Greetings from Catherine – Luxury Patrol


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Christmas has always been the most special time of year for me. I’m a Catholic in a Protestant world, but at least Church of England members also went to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morn -Hundreds of years of tradition, everyone walking through the Silent Night.  Stars shining brightly in the midnight sky, leading us towards Churches to worship the birth of Christ.  For me, it has always been a more religious holiday than just a commercial one, and how I wish that were still so.

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Christmas has always been the most special time of year for me. I’m a Catholic in a Protestant world, but at least Church of England members also went to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morn -Hundreds of years of tradition, everyone walking through the Silent Night.  Stars shining brightly in the midnight sky, leading us towards Churches to worship the birth of Christ.  For me, it has always been a more religious holiday than just a commercial one, and how I wish that were still so.



Christmas was always spent at home, with family. No buses, no taxis, no way to get around. Church, opening presents - golden goose, crackers, hats, and carols.  It was a wonderful way to blend a family. Then, everyone sat before the radio and later TV and listened to “The Queen’s Christmas Message,” an important part of the day. A toast to Her Majesty, and then naps for all.  Those were happy days, with no-one rushing out to sit in line for the latest marked-down TV or toy. Game playing, family sing-song, roasted chestnuts, warm, hearty beer, what memories to rejoice on…



I’ve spent many a Christmas at home in the north of England and several Christmases in hotels around the world. No matter what, the spirit of the day, the true meaning of Peace on Earth is found in a Church. Hymn singing for everyone’s pleasure and joining in, the reassurance of long held religious ritual, the greetings of the community you live in or visit. What more could one want. 


Wherever you are this Christmas of 2014, I wish you joy, health, happiness and Peace on Earth to all humans of goodwill. If only we could stop the fighting and war and cruelty, it certainly would be a HAPPY CHRISTMAS.


December 22, 2022

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