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Jerusalem, Israel – Center of the World


Quick Overview

Jerusalem is perhaps my most favorite destination and I was blessed to have lived here with my family for a few years.  I will always remember how overwhelmed I was with the history and many historic sites and will share my own simple guide in visiting this historical city.

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Jerusalem is perhaps my most favorite destination and I was blessed to have lived here with my family for a few years.  I will always remember how overwhelmed I was with the history and many historic sites and will share my own simple guide in visiting this historical city.


Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world where over thousands of years it has been destroyed and rebuilt over archeological ruins.  The heart of the city is what is commonly referred to as the Old City which is divided into four quarters – Jewish, Armenian, Christian and Muslim.


The Western Wall is very holy to the Jews where prayers are offered and notes containing heartfelt requests are wedged in-between the wall’s crevices.  This massive wall is but a remnant of the ancient Holy Temple. Men and women are separated into their prospective sections for prayer, and each time I have gone, I am filled with awe at the sincerity of the women in prayer.


  There is a wooden bridge that one can walk up to enter the top level which brings you near the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque, holy Muslim sites.  Years ago when we lived in Jordan, I was allowed to go inside the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque.  However, today it is guarded and only Muslims are allowed entry.  However, to be next to the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount is inspirational.


The Jewish quarter with its beautiful Cardo and David’s Citadel is a must see.  There are many great restaurants where you can grab a bite to eat before embarking through the many souks and shopping walking toward the famous Damascus Gate entrance.


Jerusalem is important for Christians for Christ lived and died here.  You can walk the Via Dolorosa, the “Way of Sorrows” - Jesus final path to Golgotha Hill, where he was crucified and buried.  The route begins in the Muslim quarter at Lions Gate and passes the 14 Stations of the Cross, ending at the site of Christ’s burial at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  Here you will also visit the anointing stone as well as Golgotha, where one can kneel down by the actual site of the cross.


Also close is one of my favorite churches, Dormition Abbey where it is believed Mary spent her last night.  The abbey was built about 100 years ago and in the basement there is a statue of Mary, sleeping.  Also next to the Abbey is the Upper Room, or location of the Last Supper.


There are many travel guides there to assist you but my simple tour for many of my airline colleagues who have only a few hours to visit, we enter at Jaffa Gate, and walk up to Christ Church.  This is a 19th century church, the first Protestant Church in the Middle East.  They have a lovely outside garden and home cooked meals are served daily by their volunteers.  Generally this is where we start, get a bite to eat and off we go heading first to the Upper Room and Dormition Abbey, followed by Western Wall and then through the souks to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.


Walking through the souks you will find just about anything to purchase from rare herbs to polo shirts and sunglasses! Never pay the first price quoted, as you are expected to negotiate!  From the souks we head out through the most famous Damascus gate.  If you walk up the street, on your right you will be at another Christian site where some believe is the actual burial place of Christ and Golgotha.  This is The Garden Tomb – setting is within a large garden, a peaceful retreat from the hectic life outside!  It is very pleasant and quiet and I highly recommend your taking time to relax in a very clean and inviting area before you continue on your venture.


One could spend a week just visiting all the holy sites just outside the Old City!  My favorites are:  Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Dominus Flevit, and The Ascension Church.  The Russian gold tear drop church is magnificent but check their hours as often they are closed for visitors.  This is not even including Masada, Tel Aviv or The Dead Sea … as I will share that in separate writings!


  A terrific place to stay within the Old City is part of Christ Church.  They have a guest house and you can get more information at their website:  cmjisrael.com. Reasonably priced and tours throughout all of Israel are available.


One visit to Israel is never enough!  


Happy Travels!


July 6, 2023


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