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It's Your Time Now


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The kids are grown and flown the coop. Career established but winding down. Parents healthy and living a good life. You have some money put by, so it’s your turn to look at the Bucket List. Hopefully you revised it through all the years of waiting?  Now you’re 60+ you have different desires, tastes and physical abilities.



Follow these tips gleaned from being a “traveler” since the age of 4, and sometimes learning the VERY hard way.

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The kids are grown and flown the coop. Career established but winding down. Parents healthy and living a good life. You have some money put by, so it’s your turn to look at the Bucket List. Hopefully you revised it through all the years of waiting?  Now you’re 60+ you have different desires, tastes and physical abilities.



Follow these tips gleaned from being a “traveler” since the age of 4, and sometimes learning the VERY hard way.



1.       WHEN YOU’RE PACKED – UNPACK!  People pack too much. Remember, you might be stranded on the side of a mountain, without transportation or helpers, and YOU have to move those two suitcases!  Not going to happen. I learned early on, I was on a 4 months trek through glamourous Europe. 29 Shades of individual Estee Lauder eye-shadows I’d brought with me. When my Mother saw them in Paris, she left me with just 3, and yes, it was enough. And, on a long trip, I did have 2 suitcases, and this was before wheelies. I was on just about the last car of the train from Monte Carlo to Rome. And the Roman porters were on strike.  That Termini train station is about 1 ½ miles long – I quickly unpacked down to one suitcase.  If I can’t carry it, it’s not going.


2.       DON’T BUY LARGE SIZES OF YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS – they’re heavy, take up too much space, and now is your time to find out about new creams and potions and lotions. And in case you forgot – Europe and most of the world is in the 21st century consumer market.  Many of the products you like come from another country.


3.       SHOES, SHOES, SHOES… no not that many, but ones comfortable enough for walking, in the heat, or the rain, or unpaved streets. And PLEASE no running shoes unless you’re doing that – running. A great pair of walking shoes will really help when you’re walking around Rome and the Vatican, or up those hills in Monte Carlo.


4.       YOU DO NOT NEED – 10 of anything. Not blouses, T-shirts, dress-shirts, pants, trousers, dresses, even underpants!  One to wear, one to wash and one to wait. You’ll have more than enough. And as traveling nowadays keeps you moving, the likelihood of your being in ONE place more than 3 days is unlikely, so, you’ll have worn one outfit every day. Tres elegant.


5.       Do learn a few words in the local language, it can get you out of great scrapes, or into them!  We took a train from Madrid to Toledo for a day of bullfighting. We bought a round trip ticket, but didn’t ask the time of trains. It was a religious holiday and all train service stopped at 6 pm. We were stranded.  I could go on and on and on about such oversights.  Think ahead, it will save a lot of pain.


6.       GET THE NAMES & ADDRESSES of friends in other places – even friends of friends – or acquaintances – or work colleagues – your experience in that city and country will be so much more rewarding. Locals at any level know great places to go, some you couldn’t even get in to. And, it is nice meeting new people with whom you have friends in common.


7.       BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AT ALL TIME!  People are basically good and kind, and do want to help the local traveler. But, not ALL people are good, so make sure your antenna is up if someone is too friendly. And watch where you’re going – street and traffic customs are different in all areas, don’t get involved in a street accident or crime!  UNHOOK FROM YOU TECH GADGETS, you’re not concentrating onthe NOW and HERE if all you’re doing is looking at the thing in your hand!


8.       MONEY MONEY MONEY… you worked hard for it. Know it’s value wherever you go and value what you buy and spend your hard earned cash for.


9.       KNOW WHERE AN AMERICAN CONSULATE is, just in case! A friend was robbed at Nice airport, we think it was an inside job. But, all his valuables went missing, had to have his passport re-issued, etc. YOUR GOVERNMENT representative IS your BEST FRIEND!

10.   ENJOY  ENJOY  ENJOY.  You’ve worked long and hard for this trip, the first of many I hope. Really treat yourself wherever you can even if you only have a  lean travel budget. A glass of Ouzo, tasty Greek olives and a sunset beyond comparison is worth every small penny it cost.


February 27, 2023

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