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Grandparent’s Pearls of Wisdom – Traveling with Children


Quick Overview

O.K. you’ve taken the plunge and will be planning an international sojourn with your beloved grandchildren! You have dreams of creating lasting memories that will be life changing, right?

Well … if you follow these guidelines the answer is YES! I can vividly remember year after year my own little Madison would keep asking me, “Granny, when are we going to Paris?” I would have swept her up in my arms, and off we would go the moment she asked - but as an international flight attendant I was keenly aware of the challenges one faces when traveling with children.

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O.K. you’ve taken the plunge and will be planning an international sojourn with your beloved grandchildren! You have dreams of creating lasting memories that will be life changing, right?


Well … if you follow these guidelines the answer is YES! I can vividly remember year after year my own little Madison would keep asking me, “Granny, when are we going to Paris?” I would have swept her up in my arms, and off we would go the moment she asked - but as an international flight attendant I was keenly aware of the challenges one faces when traveling with children.


Allow me to share with you some pointers that will aid you in your planning that perfect trip! Remember crews are not babysitters - your grandchildren are your responsibility to keep happy and well behaved!



Age - children should be at least nine years old, as I have observed that younger children do not adapt as well to schedule and body rhythm changes. Of course, there are exceptions (your grandchildren!) -  be cognizant of the child’s “normal” time and sleep schedules. Also, remember you are their grandparent and not parent - so even those of us who run marathons, traveling with children can be mentally exhausting.


Planning - we’re great planners so this is easy - as long as you include your grandchildren in your planning! This is so important - in fact, giving them little research assignments about the country and culture they will be visiting will create excitement and enthusiasm for their trip. Be sure to include in your itinerary some of the sights that they have expressed an interest in seeing!


 Get some coloring books citing those artists that you actually will be visiting.  One of the board games my grandchildren enjoy is “1000 Places to See before You Die.”  The more they are involved, the greater delight when they actually visit these new discoveries!  Create a little notebook where they will be able to “journal” their excitement and note those items of particular interest.  I use a small three ring binder, wherein I can insert little plastic sleeves in which photos can also be placed.


Medical - this is an obvious pre-planning priority - knowing any physical challenges for your grandchild; medications (never place in checked baggage) etc. Have advance information regarding medical assistance of your host country as to phone and contact numbers. Generally on a cruise or hotel, they will have medical on-call personnel who will assist you with any medical issues. In addition to bringing the child’s health insurance information, be sure to have a signed permission note from the parents granting you permission to make any medical decisions should the need arise.


Things to Do/Eat - always have trail mix and some snacks to help during those long flights. Be sure your grandchild drinks plenty of water and avoid colas and soft drinks as they are too salty and can cause bloating and discomfort.


 Also have mind games/puzzles/drawing paper etc.  Most children have mini-IPads or tablets to keep them entertained!  Most important, NEVER count on the airline to provide entertainment! Yes we have an entertainment system right at your seat, but all too often, sadly, I have to report, your monitor that day may not be working!


Traveling Etiquette

When it comes to traveling, it is very important that you sit your grandchildren down and go over these basic “little rules” for travel.  Included are common sense manners as well as instructing your little ones, that the crew members are here for your safety and comfort and we do expect your cooperation.


Good Grooming - clothing must be worn that are clean and appropriate. In other countries it is important not to offend that culture and in the U.S. our dress oftentimes is too casual. So it is important to be well groomed and to wear comfortable clothes.


Behavior - when in the terminal and on the plane it is important to use your “quiet whisper” voice so not to disturb other people. Never venture too far away from granny for you could get lost! Have a plan in place however, should you be separated - explain to them who they could go to for help. (A gate agent)


• While on board the aircraft - do not play with the buttons, recline your seat or lower your tray table Be careful to keep you feet down so not to hit the back of the seat of the person in front of you! This can be very disruptive if that person is trying to sleep. After takeoff, you can gently recline your seat and take down your tray table - but not before.


• Prior to take off when the safety video comes on please remain quiet and watch the video.  Always know where your exits are in case of an emergency.


• When a crew member ask if you wished something to drink, always remember to say thank you. When served your meal, always say thank you! When the crew member is picking up discarded items and meals, be sure to hand them to her carefully. Never give a crew member a dirty glass when she is distributing meals. Only give her “trash” when she is picking up trash.


• If you are sitting by the window or middle seat and have to visit the rest room and your granny is sleeping, carefully try and slowly exit your row. You may have to wake granny and she will be happy to help you get out of your seat.


• Never make jokes about bombs or say that word. That is taken very seriously.


• Brief your grandchild on what one goes through with regards to security (taking off jacket, shoes, etc); appropriate liquids and gels allowed in carry- on bags, passport details and immigration procedures. Instill in them the need to be patient.


      • Be respectful to all those you meet or who are sitting around you. Especially when traveling internationally, you will be seeing people who may appear very different than you - it is particularly important to be respectful. Never point or look at them when asking questions about them.


      • Brief your grandchildren on the importance of going to the bathroom prior to take off and landing. This will prevent discomfort for upon takeoff or landing there is twenty minutes when everyone must remain buckled and in their seat - no exceptions! Always remind them to wash their hands (20 second rule) and carry hand wipes to clean their hands often.
      • Always wear something on your feet (shoes or slippers) when you are walking down the aisle.  All too often little children are barefoot!  This can be very dangerous!


Follow the simple guidelines and you should have a wonderful trip with your grandchildren. Most important however, is to remain flexible!  There will be days they will be too tired to cover all those destinations you have marked on your itinerary! Allow jet lag and down time to recoup, for children need more time to adjust to time changes.


So relax and keep the spirit and have a wonderful holiday with your grandchildren! Go create those lasting memories! Remember the most important thing is not the destination, but enjoying their time with you!


Please comment on your experiences traveling with your grandchildren!  We all can benefit from your insights!


Enjoy your adventure!


February 6, 2023


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