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Post 3: Crazy Lady with Cats Ears


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“One” should, (and by “One”, I mean John Fluke - as in John Fluke should… Strike that… I mean John Fluke REALLY should) have learned by now to be careful what “One” wishes for; especially, when said Authors’ latest book in her Cozy Mystery series (from the beloved Hannah Swensen Mysteries series,) entitled “BlackBerry Pie Murder”, has just hit #7 on the New York Times Best-Seller list - with a bullet- and she gets it in her head to go on a 21 city North American tour, dragging “One” with her!

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     “One” should, (and by “One”, I mean John Fluke - as in John Fluke should… Strike that… I mean John Fluke REALLY should) have learned by now to be careful what “One” wishes for; especially, when said Authors’ latest book in her Cozy Mystery series (from the beloved Hannah Swensen Mysteries series,) entitled “BlackBerry Pie Murder”, has just hit #7 on the New York Times Best-Seller list - with a bullet- and she gets it in her head to go on a 21 city North American tour, dragging “One” with her!

     And just what should “One” have learned by now, you might ask? Well, “One” should have learned ( from previous experience since I has several such Author clients in my business at Placed4Success Product Placement and Brand Integration  , that if you are wont to go on the road with a multiple-time New York Times Best-Selling Author, they might get a litttttttle whacky/ stir crazy/ loony -shall I go on? - Whilst on these little 21 city book-signing tours. You know, “One” really should know this possibility, right from the start, lest he/she end up sharing their Authors little – shall we say- peculiarities!


   For a clear example of this phenomenon (I believe its Latin nomenclature is “insaniam viam, or Road Madness) just check out this Best-Selling Author with Electronic Cat’s Ears on her head. Nice, right?


    She says she can communicate with Hannah Swensen’s cat- Moishe (Hannah being the star of the “Hannah Swensen Mysteries” -a 17 book series, so far- by Author Joanne Fluke) via an interface called a “C.A.T. or Cybernetic Animal Translator” or some other C.A.T. acronym. Now, personally, I have my doubts, but it IS an entertaining thing to watch. And it certainly looks convincing at a signing – with the ears moving and scanning around when Moishe “communicates” with Joanne- to the merriment and astonishment of all the “Hannah-Maniacs”!



Next up: Blog #4

Growing up Minnesotan or “What Grandpa said”


March 21, 2023

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