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An Afternoon of Caving with Carlin: Part One


Quick Overview

My sister and I love adventure.  When we were given an opportunity to go “caving” we both jumped at the prospect and that is how we ended up outside the Tim Hortons in Thornbury Ontario meeting Carlin.  Carlin is the caving expert and our guide on this adventure tour. 

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My sister and I love adventure.  When we were given an opportunity to go “caving” we both jumped at the prospect and that is how we ended up outside the Tim Hortons in Thornbury Ontario meeting Carlin.  Carlin is the caving expert and our guide on this adventure tour.


We changed into our heavy duty hiking boots and followed him for a 20 minute drive up into the hills of the Blue Mountains to the caving site.   We parked at Kolapore Uplands Trail by the trail head to Duncan Crevice Caves.  (picture #1 and #2)

In the parking area we added our rappelling gear and our head protection helmets equipped with lights.  Of course there was the usual waiver to sign also, as with any risky adventure endeavor.  Carlin also warned us that the adventure included some tight squeezes to prepare us for what was ahead.  I don’t think any explanation can really prepare you for this adventure!


First there was a hike up into the rocks formations of the escarpment.   That was the easy part of the trail!  (picture #3).

Then we faced this crevasse down into the ground.  Standing at the edge looking down into the blackness of cave dark we knew that our adventure had begun!    (picture #4 - another adventurer rappelling into the crevasse)


Carlin set up the rappelling ropes and one at a time Anita and I descended about 30 feet down into the cave.  Inside the heat of the summer’s day was gone and we had to put on our long sleeve tops for warmth.   When Carlin joined us he took us through the cave passage.  It was mostly stooping and crouching and sideways slipping through narrow spaces.  And then we got to the “squeeze” to get out of the cave.   This was an experience onto itself.   Stoop, poke head up through the hole like a gopher and then wiggle and climb and slither and elbow your way up and out.   Foot holds were nonexistent and so you were literally left with pulling yourself up and out with hand holds and elbow leverage!  (picture #5  an example of how small the openings are)


Feeling proud that we had accomplished this first section we were optimistic that we could keep up with the demands of this adventure.   Carlin led us up a path and then a hand scramble climb to the cliffs above.  (picture #6)  Once at the top Carling allowed us an opportunity to rest while enjoying a marvelous view to the valley below.  From a seat with a shear drop to the rocks below, we thrilled at the marvels of the vista of nearby cliffs and crags and far below the valley stretching off into the distance.


…..next week the next part of our caving experience 


Renate DundysMarrello

March 12, 2023

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