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Restaurant and Food Tips


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I have had so many “Blondee moments” throughout my food critic years. I thought it would be fun to share some of those tips and moments with you that might help your travels and make you smile too!

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I have had so many “Blondee moments” throughout my food critic years. I thought it would be fun to share some of those tips and moments with you that might help your travels and make you smile too!


1. I have a photo of a perfect margarita above...if you order a drink, do not be afraid to ask for what you would like exact in your drink.


2. Speaking of margaritas, I have found happy hours can be the best dining experiences.It is so much fun to try a bunch of culinary selections with friends and you can do it on a small budget.


3. If in Italy, be sure to order pizza quite a few times.....best in the world, a photo above of an amazing pizza in Italy.


4. It never fails, I use this tip wherever I can or need too. If you ask 3 or 4 people in your path in a town or city that you are in where the best selection of food you desire is....go for it and listen to them, especially if they all say the same place. I was just in Mill Valley Calif. I asked the Mill Valley Store grocery clerk and 2 other people in the store where we could have the best pasta and pizza in town and yes you will read about it....D' Angelo. So be specific what cuisine you would like and enjoy!


5. I always do powder room checks. Even if I do not need to use it, it gives you a lot of insight!


6. On your way to the powder room be sure to sneak a peek into the kitchen. I love when a restaurant has an open kitchen. There are usually no secrets!


7. I have found if the bread is spectacular, the butter fresh and the water pure tasting, you are in for a great night.


8. ALWAYS have a set of pearls, red lipstick , sunglasses and a simple black dress in case you have to dress up wherever you may be. GLAMOUR is one of the first words in my vocabulary.


9. There are a lot of great restaurants that you can bring your pets too, especially in the summer months with outside sitting. Be sure to call first and do not think you can bring a BIG pet like your family horse.


10. If you can not eat certain ingredients or you do not like something do not feel shy to just say in a “gracious way” I have allergy's and can not eat this particular item.


I have so many tips in my culinary purse. I will bring more to you soon. Enjoy your travels with all of my patrol buddies and always eat well!


August 29, 2023


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