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2016 Boomer Travel Trends


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Liz asked Stephanie Miles from AARP about Boomer Travel Trends for 2016 and here is her response.

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1.       Beside free WiFi and complimentary breakfast, what other amenities are Boomers seeking from a hotel? 

We found that Boomers also like the ability to book a specific type of room with 61% saying it was either a must have or would be desirable if the price is right.  Free happy hour came in at 43% for those categories. 



2.       The survey says Baby Boomers do not linger in airports, what do they do then beside eat in the restaurants? 

Restaurants are the most commonly used amenity in airports in 2015. Fewer than one in three shop at a retail store with far less partaking in any of the other amenities. Boomers are the least likely of the generations to make any stops in airports. Baby Boomers show no anticipated change in their use of airport amenities in 2016.



3.       What is the top Bucket List destination? 

Some of the more popular international bucket list destinations were Arctic Circle/Norway, Australia/New Zealand, France, and Italy.  For domestic bucket list travel, some of the more popular ones were Hawaii, Arizona, California, South Carolina, and Washington.



4.       What time of year do Baby Boomers seem to travel most? 

For domestic travel, Baby Boomers find spring attractive for domestic weddings, required travel and guys getaways.  Summer time trips are popular for multi-generational trips, reunions and other events. Spring and summer remain the most popular seasons for international and domestic travel.  



 5.    What seems to be the average budget for a trip?

We do not have an average budget, but can say that Boomers do not appear to be overly concerned about budgeting for personal travel, nor are they hindered by the higher airfares (approximately two-thirds claim it has had no impact on their travel plans).


December 18, 2022

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