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Here Comes Susie Cottontail with Easter Safety Tips for Pets


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Susie has for the moment declared a truce with all rabbits to focus on the need to have a safe holiday season with pets and their human companions. Whether it is Easter, Passover or Holy Week, there is a plethora of extra activity and extra holiday goodies to keep an eye on. Susie, like most dogs, has a set policy, if it falls on the floor it is legally mine. This means humans who have pets need to be especially watchful over what does fall on the floor or is accessible to their pets – whether they are dogs, cats, ferrets, pigs, iguanas and so on.

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Susie has for the moment declared a truce with all rabbits to focus on the need to have a safe holiday season with pets and their human companions. Whether it is Easter, Passover or Holy Week, there is a plethora of extra activity and extra holiday goodies to keep an eye on. Susie, like most dogs, has a set policy, if it falls on the floor it is legally mine. This means humans who have pets need to be especially watchful over what does fall on the floor or is accessible to their pets – whether they are dogs, cats, ferrets, pigs, iguanas and so on.


Humans fail to realize many times that management is essential with pets to keep both things harmful to the pet as well as things humans don’t want the pet to chew on out of the reach of their best friend. Beau has made this a bigger priority in Susie’s home.


Obviously the many chocolate bunnies, eggs, and other treats that are prolific at Easter are toxic to cats, dogs and ferrets.  Additionally many of the other non-chocolate candies contain an artificial sweetener named xylitol that can also be toxic to our pets.


Easter lilies that are beautiful for us to see at this time of the year are also toxic and can be fatal for our pets.  If you must have them in the home, be sure that they are out of your pet’s reach. With cats it is probably best just to forget them altogether because cats are great jumpers, even when things are put up high.


Also beware of other Easter decorations, especially the grass in Easter baskets. Cats and dogs both can ingest this plastic grass leading to obstructions in the gastric tract, vomiting and even dehydration.  This is especially a danger to cats.


Be sure that you pick up any and all real hard boiled eggs that you may have hidden in the yard for an Easter egg hunt as well as plastic eggs full of toxic candy. The eggs if allowed to spoil will definitely give your dog or cat a bad belly-ache if not make them really sick. Obviously the plastic and chocolate could be even worse.


Save yourself and your pet a trip to the veterinary hospital during the holidays by keeping all of these things out of your pet’s environment.


If you have children, be sure that they are instructed on the dangers that all of these things pose to the pets that they love.


Susie once again says what – to wish you and your pets a safe and happy holiday. Beau says me too!


April 17, 2023


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