Experience the true southern hospitality and charm in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
North America
Sunglow Ranch and Resort: Pearce, Arizona
If you and your dog want to have an incredible southwest adventure, this is the place. The Sunglow Ranch is rated in one list as one of the ten most pet friendly lodgings in the United States.
Living High on the Dog: Lord Monticello at the Jefferson Hotel, Washington, DC
Susie has visited, heard from and covered a wide-range of pet friendly properties, restaurants and places. She has noted the places that are pet-friendly as well as the places that are pet-centric and human friendly, and she thought she had seen it all – until now.
Rose Island Lighthouse: Newport, Rhode Island
Is it just me or is there mystery and romance surrounding a lighthouse? Every time I’m near one, I just have to go and explore and dream of what it would be like to live in one, even for a day or a week. Well, dream no more, I have found a working lighthouse where you can stay and actually be a keeper, which is a lot of hard work, but oh, what an adventure!
Alabama – Heart of Dixie
Searching for the Heart of Dixie? Look to Alabama for some Southern surprises.
Traveling in South Florida With Miss Roxie
Susie and Beau have new friends in South Florida - Miss Roxie, a blond tea cup Yorkie and her long time companion Miss April Kirkwood. They are bringing new insights to the Pet Patrol.
Hot Bread Kitchen: New York
I learned about this from Carla Hall from The Chew on TV. I was so excited about this story. Hot Bread has a lot of dimensions to it besides being a great bakery. It helps to increase economic security for foreign born low income women and men. They sell multi ethic breads at the retail store on site. They also have kitchen rental in the 2,300 square foot shared commercial kitchen. There are so many entrepreneurs who need kitchen space so how fabulous is this.
Field Museum in Chicago Revisited
Although I never get tired of facing off with Sue, the 67 million old, 42 foot long, and 13 feet high, Tyrannosaurus rex, we went back to the Field Museum to see its special exhibit called “Opening the Vaults: Wonders of the 1893 World’s Fair”. This exhibit is special because The Field Museum was primarily an outgrowth of The Columbian Exposition. Many of the artifacts and specimens on display have not been seen since the World’s Fair in 1893.
America’s Music Cities
Enjoy a toe-tapping tour of America’s most famed musical meccas: New Orleans, Memphis, and Nashville.
Thunderbird Inn: Savannah, Georgia
Well, I finally found a hotel that truly caters to our demographic, the Baby Boomers, because they actually have a “Baby Boomer Rate!” I was so excited to see this and even more excited to get in on the fun of this retro property.